2009‒05‒13: Another batch torrent was posted on BoxTorrents (now BakaBT) by a third party as Hana no Mahou Tsukai Marybell | Floral Magician Mary Bell [h-b]. The new torrent saves the files in the folder "Hana no Mahou Tsukai Marybell" while the original torrent from EdwardK saves them in the folder "Floral Magician Mary Bell (DVD) [h-b]". Other than that, the files are identical, but the torrent on BoxTorrents might be better‐seeded.
2009-02-13: Episode 1v2 released, and the batch torrent for 1-50 (Ep1v2, Eps2-49). Currently, we have no plan to do v2 for ep.2+. This show is old (1992-93) and not something everyone would like, but if you happen to be one of those few who love it, well, enjoy :) The next Mary Bell release will be the movie, Fenikkusu (Phoenix) no Kagi.
Floral Magician Mary Bell is a charming anime mainly for younger girls. The hidden theme is rather deep and serious, but the overall atmosphere is cute, light, and comical. This heartwarming show was directed by Endō Tetsuya, who also worked as the assistant director on My Neighbor Totoro. High-quality drawings were achieved by animation directors including Chiba Yuriko, one of the most outstanding sakuga kantoku in Japan.
The 50-episode series first aired in Japan in 1992–93. It was also broadcast in Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, Taiwan, Mainland China, Thailand, Poland and in the Arabic-speaking area. The series is currently unlicensed in the United States.
The original title is Hana no Mahōtsukai Mary Bell. This is the 4th (the last) of the 4 magical-girl anime by Ashi Productions, following Minky Momo (1st), Sweet Mint, and Minky Momo (2nd). It is cute, but innocently cute, not coquettish (aka moe). The catch is, the story goes quite slowly and you have to wait long until the best part (Eps 30-50, especially 45) begins. One of the main themes is "making friends rather than fighting," which is easier to say than to do. The relationship between Mary Bell and Vivian--her first main "enemy"--is changing little by little in a subtle way, and it takes about 30 episodes before they somehow become friends. Unlike many other magical girl anime, Mary Bell doesn't really try to hide her true identity, and eventually many people get to know that she is a magic user, and accept her as she is (no "witch hunt"). That is another variation of the "making friends rather than fighting" motive. Two things like humans and nature, or reality and fantasy, can--and should--co-exist in harmony. In the world of Mary Bell, 'nature' is 'flower', and 'fantasy' is fairies and magic. Basically, when a character is trying to solve a problem, Mary Bell uses her "flower magic" to mentally encourage them, instead of directly solving the problem for them with her magical power. Well, for some people, this anime is perhaps too innocent, too idealistic and too beautiful to accept. Maybe this show is suitable for younger people and those who think the world is not chaotic...
Floral Magician Mary Bell: Episodes 41–50
Floral Magician Mary Bell: Episodes 31–40
Floral Magician Mary Bell: Episodes 21–30
Floral Magician Mary Bell: Episodes 11–20
Floral Magician Mary Bell: Episodes 01–10
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